Join the #BET​HECHANGE Campaign to
Educate and Empower Future Voters

Voting 101: Voter Education & Registration Initative
Voting 101: Voter Education & Registration Initative
Voting 101 is comprised of an Education + Action formula. Participants will be educated on the state requirements, tools/resources to utilize to be an informed voter and have the opportunity to register to vote or update voter registration information. We partner with The Charleston County Board of Elections and Voter Registrations.
Frequently Asked Questions?
Q: Is Voting 101 simply a voter registration drive event?
A: No, this is a Voter Education and Registration Program. We meet with the registered group for a fun and informative program activity that includes voter registration for approximately 1.5 hours.
Q: Is there a fee?
A: No,this program is provided to all groups free of charge
Q:What age groups do you serve?
A: Ages 14 years and up (To be eligible to register to vote the person must be 18 years old by the next election)
Q: Are you willing to do virtual Voting 101 groups?
A:Yes, due to the new challenges of Covid-19, we will most definitely be willing to do virtual Voting 101 programs with your group.
Our Past Partnerships:
Garrett Academy of Technology- Charleston County School District (2017,2018,2019)
Baptist Hill Middle/High School- Charleston County School District (2018,2019)
Communities in Schools of Charleston at North Charleston HS-Charleston County School District (2018,2019)
Cross High School-Berkeley County School District (2018)
Uplift M.E. Mentoring Group -Charleston, SC (2018)
Benedict College--NAACP Chapter-Columbia,SC (2018)
Christ Temple Church-North Charleston, SC (2018)
SGR Group-North Charleston, SC (2019)
Fresh Anointing Ministries, Summerville,SC (2019)
Raise Up--Battery Creek High School, Beaufort,SC (2020)
If you are interested in scheduling a group, please complete the information below
(Please Note in the "We Are Ready"message box: Group Name, Group Size,Age of participants and 3 potential activity calendar dates)
I want to sign my group(s) up, today!
I want to sign my group(s) up, today!